Encrpyted podcast #2
Airtime: 2013/04/09 – 20:00/22:00
2 hours : Telic
Encrypted techno podcast, on inprogressradio.com
2 hours of techno, every tuesday, starting at 8:00 PM CET.
With tonight a 2 hour techno set by one of your hosts, Telic!
Stay informed! Check out our different pages!
Encrypted: https://www.facebook.com/encryptedtechno
Telic: https://www.facebook.com/Telictechno
Diminish: https://www.facebook.com/Diminish030
In progress radio info:
Website: http://www.inprogressradio.com/
Web Player: http://www.inprogressradio.com/player.html
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